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Meet Our New Senior Pastor

Welcome, Pastor Bradley Dayett!


We would like to officially welcome Pastor Bradley Dayett to Advent as our new Senior Pastor who will start on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. We are happy, thankful and blessed to have him here at Advent as well as his family.

Pastor Brad Dayett grew up on a small farm just south of Littlestown, PA and graduated from Littlestown High School in 1988. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Rehabilitation Services Education from Penn State University in 1992, a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg in 1996, and a Doctor of Ministry from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia in 2007. In 1996 he was called to be the pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Stoverstown) and served there until September of 2024. He begins his ministry with us on October 2nd.

Pastor Brad has been married to his wife, Dione, since 1996. They have two daughters, Morgan and Maia. Morgan is currently in her first year of college at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Maia is in her senior year at Spring Grove High School. Dione is also an ordained minister and serves as the Chaplain at St. John’s Herr Estate in Columbia.


Comments (1)

  • Reply John Knokey - December 13, 2024

    I just wanted to thank you for your lawn nativity. I look forward and appreciate seeing it every year. There was a book published several years ago called A Walk One Winter Night that awakened a man to the reality of Christmas when he saw such a lawn nativity. So, thanks for the reminder and witness. John Knokey

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