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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Council & Staff

Advent Church Council

Nettie Flinchbaugh

Youth Representative

Marilyn Oesterich

Vice President

Betsy Stordahl

Outreach Ministry

Jon Oestereich

Camp Friendly Acres

Keith Christian

Finance and Stewardship

Michael Daly

Technology and Property

I have been a member of Advent since 2001. Reason I love Advent, its a welcoming church and there are so many groups offered for all ages.

Tracy Imschweiler

President, Technology, Worship & Music

Dan Ross

Call Committee Rep, Outreach & Discipleship

Amy Debolt

Worship & Music

Paul Pugsley


Katie Flinchbaugh

Council Secretary, Adult Education

Advent Staff

Arianna Keller

Technology / Videography

Haven Schneider


Carol Charles

Office Administrator

Sammi Blevins

Director of Music Ministries

Kevin Smith


Bethany Horn

Nursery Care

LuAnne Bergstrom

Nursery Care

Paula Rineer

Technology Outreach and Youth Ministry

Catherine Ross

Director of Children and Family Ministries