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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Lenten and Easter Services

Observing Lent

Ash Wednesday-  This evening service, held 46 days before Easter Sunday, marks the beginning of Lent. In this service, we mark our forehead with ash, remembering that “from dust you came, and to dust you shall return”.   

Midweek Lenten Services- Every Wednesday evening from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday, we gather for a brief service to support our Lenten study and contemplation.

Observing Holy Week

Palm Sunday- Also known as Passion Sunday, our morning worship services begin Holy Week with the story of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday- This evening service begins with remembrance of the promises received in our baptisms and ends with the Stripping of the Altar in preparation of Good Friday.

Good Friday- We gather in the evening to commemorate the suffering and death of Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Easter Vigil Saturday- The first official celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, this evening service proclaims the victory of Jesus Christ over death.

Celebrating Easter

6:30 AM Easter Dawn Service- We meet in the Meditation Garden by the church on N. Manheim Street early in the morning to celebrate Jesus’ victory over death. This service is held outdoors and communion is given.

8:30 & 11:00 AM Easter Sunday Services- We triumphantly celebrate Easter; Jesus’ resurrection and the victory of life over death and forgiveness over sin.