From the Desk of the Interim Senior Pastor
June 2024
In my journey of discipleship though life, I find it to be comforting and reassuring knowing that our God is our all in all. All that we are and all that we have comes from God. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” To be sure, stewardship is not just about paying the church’s bills. It is also not just about giving our our time and talents to enhance the church’s programs.It is about using all that God has given us faithfully, generously, and wisely. We are stewards, or caretakers, of God’s creation and all that we are and have are gifts from God. In faithful stewardship, let us constantly examine the scriptures for help in understanding who we are, what we are called to be, and to whom we (and all that we have) belong. Giving comes easier and is even exciting when we focus first and foremost on our awesome God.
As we are faithful stewards, we are generous people that give abundantly of our time, talents, and treasures. We give joyfully as we realize and contemplate how richly blessed we are as people. Stewardship really is an exciting venture for us Christians. We are blessed with the time, talents, and treasures with which God has entrusted us. We give to support the spread of God’s word in the world. Financially speaking, we give offerings to the God who has created, redeemed, and sanctified us– to the one from whom we receive everything we have in life. As we know from the scriptures, ours is a God of love. May that be a prime motivating factor in the giving of our finances to the church. Sure, give recognizing that the church is an institution in a monetary society that has many expenses to pay. (Our finance or stewardship committee members can fill you in on what are some of the present and future financial needs of our church.) Sure, give because the Bible stresses tithing. But contemplate your blessings and God’s wondrous love for you; and return to God a portion of what God has first given you, knowing that your offerings are helping proclaim the gospel in this world. When we give lovingly and gratefully, we find ourselves appreciating God’s blessings even more.
I encourage all of us to meditate upon God’s blessings to us and to then joyfully give, not just to help Advent meet its expenses, but especially to thank and praise God. All the while we are helping spread God’s work in the world. There is no higher calling in life.
Pastor Dan Yeiser