About the Ministry
Our Prayers and Stitches Ministry began on September 10, 2006. The meaning of Prayer Shawls and directions how to create them were explained. The small group that gathered in the parlor embraced the idea. As the ministry grew, so did our faith, fellowship, and fun. At a retreat in August, 2010, we affirmed our faith by expanding our ministry to include the creation of Baby Angel Buntings and Warm-Up Blankets. We have now added Comfort Pillows and Love Hearts.
Comfort Pillows
Comfort Pillows were added to our ministry in 2020. They are neck pillows made of washable flannel and stuffed with polyfil. Our primary recipient is the Hillman Cancer Center. They are given to chemo patients. Others have been given to dialysis centers and various health related agencies.
Warm-Up Blankets
If you can knit or crochet one stitch, you can make a Warm-Up Blanket. It’s as simple as that, and a way to help “warm up” homeless people of York. Leftover yarn works just fine for knitting or crocheting strips that can be sewn together to make blankets. We will share easy ways to create a blanket.
Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawls are knitted or crocheted. They can be of a variety of patterns, however, the Prayers and Stitches Ministry has chosen to use the knit 3, purl 3 pattern, as it symbolizes the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The shawls are created to share a tangible sign of the love of God. We provide yarn for all Prayers and Stitches projects.
Baby Angel Buntings
Baby Angel Buntings are created with love to assist families suffering an early infant loss.
Love Hearts
Love Hearts are small, crocheted hearts. The chaplain at UPMC distributes them to people in the Emergency Room as well as others in the hospital to offer comfort and reinforce that they are never alone.
Why We Give Shawls
We believe that God uses our hands to create shawls that provide comfort during times of illness, healing, bereavement, and as an expression of appreciation and/or encouragement. The shawl symbolizes the warmth and all-encompassing love of God. As a shawl is made, the creator prays for the unknown recipient. Special prayers are offered over the shawl before it is presented.
Sunday Bulletin
From the Desk of the Senior PastorOctober 30, 2024
Meet Our New Senior PastorSeptember 22, 2024
From the Desk of the Interim Senior PastorSeptember 18, 2024