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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Tracy Imschweiler

Tracy Imschweiler

President, Technology, Worship & Music

I have been a member of Advent since 2001.  Reason I love Advent, its a welcoming church and there are so many groups offered for all ages.  You get to know many people as well as help with community drives both at  Advent and out in the community.  Also, there are traditional and alternative worship services, including the special services that I absolutely love.  My husband along with our two sons also attend church with me where my boys basically grew up from the time they were infants until present and continue to be part of church service and activities.  One thing about me, you will see me with a camera most of the time, I love photography and take pictures of special services, activities as well as council and staff.