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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Advent Lutheran Church York, PA

Christ calls us to serve others in our own community and throughout the world. Advent is involved in local food pantry and feeding programs in York, participates in “God’s Work, Our Hands”, and supports the Ipinda School in Tanzania. Discover the ways we reach out to our neighbors!
A Journey brought forth in faith, loved and nurtured by God.
We Give, Praise, Believe
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We Work Together
Advent is dedicated to outreach locally and around the world.
Available Live on YouTube and Archived Weekly
"Worship is at the heart of Christian life."

Live Stream our 11:00 a.m. service online!

Advent Lutheran York

Our Ministries

Call, Email, or Visit Us

1775 East Market Street, York · PA · 17402


Call, Email, or Visit Us

1775 East Market Street, York · PA · 17402



Don't hesitate to contact us!

We are located in East York, just off Market Street Exit of 83. Connect with us through Facebook, Email, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8AM - 4PM, Friday 8AM - 12PM.